and I still haven't given a Halloween recap. It was mellow. The temperature was cool (thankfully) by Phoenix standards. The trick or treaters came in waves and we briefly joked about asking them what their zip codes were to verify they were local residents.... and no, that isn't a reference to the ridiculous SB 1070 or our views on immigration at all. ;) We had plenty of candy on hand, including full size candy bars for kids with better than average costumes. There were few kids that fell into that category but our favorite was a group of three boys right around 9 or 10 years old. One was a hot dog and his sidekicks were squeeze bottles of ketchup and mustard. They were *way* cool but did ask if we were legit... (: (2L2Q)
Seems someone didn't make sure the camera was set for night pics... yeah, that would be *me* -- so all of the images are b..l..u..r..r..y... here's a groovy shot of one of our oldest and dearest Halloween characters, Cranky.
Now that election day and my birthday are over it's time to get back to blogging... Thanks to everyone for making October amazing!!!
Welcome back, Trix! Yeah, we get lots of ToTs from other neighborhoods, but I don't mind. Keeps Halloween alive in our neck of the woods. Many of my friends report that they don't get any ToTs at all, or very few! I just hate that we run out of candy every year, and wind up having to go through the kids haul to get out stuff to give out! This year we wound up resorting to handing out Halloween pencils and plastic skulls!
Thanks, Mr. Gill! :) I definitely forgot to add that I was grateful for all of the kids that stopped by this year. When my favorite holiday falls on a Sunday there are many families in our area that do their own thing on Saturday and don't come out to play with us for the real deal.
This was the first year we didn't run out of candy but I think it's only because I bought *so* much! :) My daughter even took a bunch of it to school the week after Halloween. Seems there were tons of teenagers that missed the trick or treating tradition and needed some candy to ease their pain. ;)
Love the ghost!
Love exclamations points!!!
Exclamation points for everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ah, crap, I ran out ...
Sorry, sugar rush. That's what I get for topping my waffles with peanut butter and washing it down with cherry coke.
Man, am I going to crash later...
Are you kiddin' me? You're always welcome around here, especially if you're under the influence and givin' away bazillions of exclamation points! I mean really, who doesn't *love* exclamation points?
Maison, how is it even fair that you're so awesome?
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