Hehehe, I have that lighted Ghost, except mine is carrying a jack o'lantern! It was my favorite Halloween dec as a child, and my mother passed it on to me several years back.
Oh, thank you for this! You see, I've been searching for one particular children's book for years now. I tried everything, but without an ISBN or author I'd continually dead-end. Then I saw this post with that little orange hardcover with a black cat on it and was swept up by a wave of recognition. Certainly this must be the book I'd poured over so many times in my childhood before reluctantly returning it to my school library. That lettering was just too familiar to be anything else. A quick search with "a holiday book" in quotes and a second later I purchased a copy on amazon. Many thanks. My Halloween witch has come true!
Is there another design on the back of the decoration with the cauldron, witch, and arch-backed cat? Looks like a cat-head shape in the orange background.
Hehehe, I have that lighted Ghost, except mine is carrying a jack o'lantern! It was my favorite Halloween dec as a child, and my mother passed it on to me several years back.
Nice stuff!
I want that book "How to care for your Monster"!!! Actually, I want ALL of the books shown here!
Oh, thank you for this! You see, I've been searching for one particular children's book for years now. I tried everything, but without an ISBN or author I'd continually dead-end. Then I saw this post with that little orange hardcover with a black cat on it and was swept up by a wave of recognition. Certainly this must be the book I'd poured over so many times in my childhood before reluctantly returning it to my school library. That lettering was just too familiar to be anything else. A quick search with "a holiday book" in quotes and a second later I purchased a copy on amazon. Many thanks. My Halloween witch has come true!
Is there another design on the back of the decoration with the cauldron, witch, and arch-backed cat? Looks like a cat-head shape in the orange background.
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