Monday, December 21, 2009

Shag's Come Undone


Ghoul Friday said...

I love this artist. Haven't seen a number of these. Thanks for sharing :)

~Scout~ said...

Spaghetti Cat!

Das Boot!

Random naked napping!

What does it mean?!?! What does it mean?!?!?

This is someone I would have to my home for a lavish dinner and just them them talk, talk, talk....



ArtAfterDark said...

I've always been a fan of Shag, but this "new" work is beyond imagination! Totally awesome. Need to see more more more!

Maison De Sante said...

Hey Trix!

Happy Whatever-you-celebrate-when-it's-too-goddamn-cold-and-miserable-to-do-anything-that's-actually-fun!

I really mean it ... from the bottom of my whatever-seems-most-poetic.

Phantom of Pulp said...

Wow, Trix, these are terribly erotic.

I'm very easily stimulated, but these reach a nerve rarely ignited.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I don't tell you enough how much I dig the way you champion all kinds of artists with varying styles. Its a treat to find and I guess I just discovered the reason for your name. Good Luck in 2010.

Max the drunken severed head said...

I love these, as I do all of Shag's stuff.

Thanks for posting them, I hadn't seen these particular ones before!

Anonymous said...

Oh I love shag's work. These are gorgeous


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