Way back in April I started this, 2009's Halloween Track #2. After abandoning my poor little creation for way too long I decided to see what I could make of it today. It will eventually hook up with the first track from this year, and *maybe* the orphaned F.E.A.R. track from 2006. I'm sure if any gamers have a listen they'll be able to identify sounds from a couple of popular titles, but for now I'll leave the sources a mystery.
If you're not familiar with Treats Towers and our Jukebox from Hell, this is one of our labors of love. Currently residing in our family room, it has the groovy sound sensitive lights in it...watching movies at our house is a little different than what the kids' friends are used to. ;)

Jesus H Christ that's awesome.
so special to have an unusual piece like that. WOW
I wish you lived next door.
Too Cool !!!
I wanna live there :)>
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