Saturday, October 18, 2008

Random #1: The Beginning

While I've been perusing my seemingly never ending collection of images, it occurred to me that when I started saving pix forever ago, I *really* should have been more organized...go figure...

What I've ended up with is tons of images I love, that have no history associated with website artist way to give credit, or link to additional work by the artists, photographers, etc...

Buuuuut, I'd really like to share the images here. So begins the Random series...

I do have one tiny little request: If *you* have links, artist info, etc on these images, please let me know...comment, email, whatever, and I will absolutely set the record straight...

Thanks, and Happy Haunting!



John Rozum said...

I have the exact same problem, and have paranoid expectations that someone's going to get really mad to find me using their images without permssion.

I guess I'd probably be annoyed by it too.

Has it changed my ways? No. Now I grab the images with the idea I'll remember where they came from so I can document it when I'm not too busy. Yeah, right.

Trix said...

Thanks John!

I needed a little validation today.

I've opened myself up for all kinds of abuse, I suppose, but so far I'm staying under the outrage radar.

It's still early yet...

Maybe if I make it through the next few days without someone screaming for my head on a platter, you can join me in my disregard for using the artistic property of others without giving them credit...

I'm kidding, you know that, right? :)


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